Monday, May 12, 2008


There are a ton of fossils. Onetime, my brother found one near my dad's office when we were looking around dad's office. No joke. I think it was a leaf. Anyway here are some fossils that you might find when you are lucky enogh to find one.
Trobites are one. They are pretty old bugs. Propaly dating back where dinosaurs lived. These are one of the common fossils around.
Moths. Thats right. Moth fossils are usually in tree sap. Scenietist think they get on a tree and sap would cover them.
Well here are some of them. You could look for fossils around your neighborhood. Wish you good luck. I think it was luck because taua was about to throw it and it would be gone by now.


Hellie Sinclair said...

*LOL* Definitely good luck.

I used to find fossils when I was younger...and more tolerant of being outside with bugs. Of course, I used to catch crayfish in our creek too. I was far more daring as a child than I would be now. *LOL*

Happy fossil hunting!

Samanu said...

It was all luck. I wonder if their are more in monee.