Monday, March 31, 2008

What was my sisters birthday like.

We had my sisters birthday in Ohio. It was at auntie's house. This is what we did when it was Rosina's Birthday.
Mom went to the bakery and orderd a cake. Rosina wanted strawberry cake but they didn't have that flavor, so mom got vanilla with stuffing. It was a barbie cake, but it was good. We also had strawberry Ice cream and Rocky Road.
The birthday gifts were okay. Taua got Rosina a Kite. Philup got her a dart gun that is powered by air. I got Rosina a Bubble gun and a BK crown. Just joking. I got her a princess crown.
I hope Rosina had a good birthday. Anyway goodbye.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Stuff I like doing.

Many people liked diffrent stuff. Like reading a book or playing your favorite sport. Here are the things I like doing.
Playing video games is one of them. The console my family has is a Xbox 360. I might get xbox live someday. I like playing Halo 3. I don't play on easy or normal but legendary and heroric.
I like eating. I also like eating good food. Luckily, Chigago gots good food.
Reading books is one of them. We are supossed to read classic books. They are interesting and cool. I am reading Edger Allen Poe. It is scary. He is good writter.
Anyway, have fun doing the things you do best at and have fun at.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Food I bake.

I like baking. My mom taught me. Some of these, are simple. My cooking isn't the best. Here are some of the food I cook.
French toast is good. When Auntie Dory came, she added cocount milk to it. It tasted rich. My ingredients are simple, milk,eggs,vanilla,and cinnamon. You might add some otter stuff to it as well. We cooked some today, about one loaf. That was enongh to feed the entire family. I might add some more ingredeints someday. You should make if you havn't made it, It is good.
Scrambeled eggs are good. I like it. But not the other types of eggs. I was thinking maybe I should add tomatos and potatos. I bet it would taste good.
Well, goodbye.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Things me and my family are doing this year.

Here are some of the stuff me and my family are going to do this year.
My dad is a accountant. He is soon going to get his own practice. Right now it is busy season, so he is working hard now. I hope he gets his new practice.
My family is going to mom's family reunion, we going to mottanah after the reunion. That is where some of dad's family is.
Taua and me want to buy starcraft 2 when it comes out and halo wars too. I am soon going to be in 7th grade. I can't wait to be in eighth grade.
Well that's some of the things me and my family are going to do this year.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Animals that are cool.

Animals can be cool. Pets can be fun too and you can devolep a relationship with your pet. Here are some facts about animals and stuff about animals.
Dogs can be cool. They can also help police by tracing people down. Dalmations also help lead people safely out of fires. They have 2x better eyesight then we do. We have a family dog named Ikaika. He is still a puppy and chews on things. Mom's shoes are missing.
Eagles are cool birds. They can pick up something the size of a puppy. Our state's bird is the Bald Eagle. I want to be a bird traner because I like birds. I want to get a pet bird someday.
Anyway, here is some of the ceartures here. Well have a nice day doing whatever you are doing.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Flowers are romantic and everybody knows that. Here are some common types of flowers.
Roses are great for valintine's day and dates. I think pink roses are great for decorating. If you put roses in a romantic spot it will look great.
Bluebells look like Bluebells. I think they are cool and cute. They look good for for putting inside a certain bathroom window. I want to to buy at least one or two.
Tulips are good. Almost good for everything. Anyway, I know little about these, so search them up on google or something.
These are my knowledge about flowers. I hope my information has helped you. Good luck finding a perfect flower.

Desserts me and my famliy make.

Desserts are really fun to make when doing it. Here are some of my family's favorite desserts.
Hot Milk spongecake is so good. It is so soft and creamy you can't resist. It is good with vanilla or cream cheese frosting. The cake is kinda small soit is ideal to make two for a party.
Sugur cookies are great with or without frosting. This are great for Christmas You can make almost any design.
Oatmeal cookies are my favorite cookie. I like tasting the oats and that sweet taste. I added a teaspoon of cinnammon. I did not want to add ground cloves. The ground cloves smelled so bad.
That's all the dessert I can dish up for this post. I hope you find the reciepes and enjoy them.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

How the Holy Ghost works.

Of course, some of you may hate me because I am mormon. You get the Holy Ghost when you are eight. I'll explain some of the ordinaces. Please listhin and you feel the sprit with you.
You get the Holy Ghost when you are eight. Children under eight are sinless because they do not know what they are doing. When you turn eight, you get baptized. They are clean and know right from wrong. They are giving the sprit by the preisthood. The holy ghost knows what is right and wrong. For example, if you were at a sleep over, and there is bad movie, you will get this feeling not to watch it. Good bye.