Friday, March 14, 2008

Food I bake.

I like baking. My mom taught me. Some of these, are simple. My cooking isn't the best. Here are some of the food I cook.
French toast is good. When Auntie Dory came, she added cocount milk to it. It tasted rich. My ingredients are simple, milk,eggs,vanilla,and cinnamon. You might add some otter stuff to it as well. We cooked some today, about one loaf. That was enongh to feed the entire family. I might add some more ingredeints someday. You should make if you havn't made it, It is good.
Scrambeled eggs are good. I like it. But not the other types of eggs. I was thinking maybe I should add tomatos and potatos. I bet it would taste good.
Well, goodbye.

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