Saturday, March 7, 2009

My mom is having a baby.

Well I hate to break it up but mom is pregant *sigh* and it's a girl. Mom thinks its coming on June 2. I'll give ya guys a picture when the baby comes.

Friday, March 6, 2009

One Word: YAHOO!

I am soon going to be done with my math which is great news. I never get a break from math unless i'm sick or on a vacation. But i will soon start again soon.=(

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Book Report: The Lightning Thief.

Hello my name is Samanu. I am going to write a book report about the lightning Thief. It's about a boy named Percy, who is the child of the greek god Posiedon. He goes to to a summer camp called Camp Half-Blood for other kids just like him. It keeps monsters out because a half-blood (demigod) sacfirced herself on a hill because a army of Greek monsters was trying to kill her so her friend's could escape. Zeus turned her into a pinecone tree to preserve her but monsters can't get past it. Sorry I kinda got ahead. The author who wrote this book is named Rick Riordarn. He published it in 2005. I chose this book because mom got this book for us. Its about aboy who bonds with his friends and has to rescue Zeus's lightning bolt before it causes a the biggest war ever.
One of the most importent things in the plot was he had to consult the oracle before he went on his quest and it said that he would face the god who had turned away. Now the god who had betrayed the other gods. was Ares the god of war. He beat him and got the lightning bolt back. He also got another thing. Hade's helm whic

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Berries are a type of fruit. They are used in all sorts of ways. I will explain how to use berries and talk about what types there are. I havn't tasted all of them.
Blueberry has some sweet sour taste to it. I really like how they taste. I like it if they are mashed. I think they taste good mashed.
Strawberries. I think we are going to have strawberrys this year. My strawberries, I think are going to be the first one done to give. I like strawberries. The problem is that the squrrils come and take them before we do.
Here are some stuff you can do with them.
Make milkshakes. I like that idea. I love milkshakes. I'm not joking. I will do any thing to get it, For example, we went in this restrant and told mom to get it from my bank account.
That is how serious I am.
Make jam if you have enough, then you can propaly make about alot.
You can put it inside your saled. They go pretty good with saleds. Another heatly choice.
Good bye.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What plants we got this year.

We planned a garden this year, again. My plant from last year is growing. Here are some of the things we planted this year.
Latana is the plant I boght this year. When I first got mom said she couldn't smell it, but then she could. It smells like orange juice. It said that it attracted butterflys. Taua saw one.
Jalapenos we planted yet again. I don't know if they are going to give more of less. Probaly more.
Tomatos. They were the first vegatable that was fresh. Thats what I like about them.
Well I hope you have a fun time planting your garden. I hope my flower doesn't die.

Monday, May 12, 2008


There are a ton of fossils. Onetime, my brother found one near my dad's office when we were looking around dad's office. No joke. I think it was a leaf. Anyway here are some fossils that you might find when you are lucky enogh to find one.
Trobites are one. They are pretty old bugs. Propaly dating back where dinosaurs lived. These are one of the common fossils around.
Moths. Thats right. Moth fossils are usually in tree sap. Scenietist think they get on a tree and sap would cover them.
Well here are some of them. You could look for fossils around your neighborhood. Wish you good luck. I think it was luck because taua was about to throw it and it would be gone by now.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare wrote many great plays and books. Dad wanted us to read Romeo and Juliet. Then after we were done he told us to write a five-page essay on it.
When two servants of Montague's and Capulet's meet, they start fighting. Sorry if I was rude not introducing the households. Their name's are the Montagues and Capulets. They hold a grudge against each other. Benvolio from the Montagues, Faces against Tybalt from the Capulets. The citzens start getting clubs and tell them to stop it or they will put a to it. The prince comes and warns them if they fight again then all of them will be hanged. Romeo is sad and Benvolio figures out that he is in love.
Well, heres the story so far. I also learned new words like coz, which means cousin.