Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Berries are a type of fruit. They are used in all sorts of ways. I will explain how to use berries and talk about what types there are. I havn't tasted all of them.
Blueberry has some sweet sour taste to it. I really like how they taste. I like it if they are mashed. I think they taste good mashed.
Strawberries. I think we are going to have strawberrys this year. My strawberries, I think are going to be the first one done to give. I like strawberries. The problem is that the squrrils come and take them before we do.
Here are some stuff you can do with them.
Make milkshakes. I like that idea. I love milkshakes. I'm not joking. I will do any thing to get it, For example, we went in this restrant and told mom to get it from my bank account.
That is how serious I am.
Make jam if you have enough, then you can propaly make about alot.
You can put it inside your saled. They go pretty good with saleds. Another heatly choice.
Good bye.

Monday, June 2, 2008

What plants we got this year.

We planned a garden this year, again. My plant from last year is growing. Here are some of the things we planted this year.
Latana is the plant I boght this year. When I first got mom said she couldn't smell it, but then she could. It smells like orange juice. It said that it attracted butterflys. Taua saw one.
Jalapenos we planted yet again. I don't know if they are going to give more of less. Probaly more.
Tomatos. They were the first vegatable that was fresh. Thats what I like about them.
Well I hope you have a fun time planting your garden. I hope my flower doesn't die.